Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Cruise for Us

2008 has been a wonderful year for me. I had my 3rd son, Ben, in April and turned 30 in August! God has shown himself faithful to us even in the midst of the difficult economy and we are so blessed.
I live in South Florida, with my wonderful husband and 3 beautiful little boys. My family is all in Pensacola, FL and I don't get to see them as often as I would like. My mom is involved with a speaking engagement that Candace is doing in Pensacola in October and I would love to attend that but it's just too far away to drive with all the boys! 10 hours in a car with 3 under the age of 4 will just about do you in:) So I'm bummed about missing that opportunity to connect with Candace as another young women in the same stage of life that I am in, desiring to raise Godly children and be a wife who is totally devoted to her husband and to the Lord. I would love to be able to connect with her on a cruise shared with my best friend who is a new mother this year.
The cruise would also be a wonderful 30th Birthday gift since the baby was a little to small for me to travel on my actual birthday this year! I can't think of a more memorable way to celebrate than with some of my favorite inspirational Christian women on this cruise.
Thanks, and hope to see you sailing the seas!